"Forest Apparition"
Oil and Silverleaf
24" x 36"
I am so happy to be part of the 2008 Oil Painters of America Western Regional Show. After only a year of getting re-focused on my painting and exploring the possibilities of art as a career, this is a huge honor for me. I love painting dogwoods since they remind me of my childhood back in southern Indiana. Every once in awhile I'll run across someone who recognizes the blossom - usually they're someone who came from the Midwest or the south. Just last weekend I sold a smaller dogwood painting to a man whose parents lived in Atlanta for the past few decades, and had recently moved to Washington state. Apparently they had remarked to their son how much they missed the dogwood blossoms so when he saw my painting he had to purchase it for them. I thought that was such a nice gift!
Oil and Silverleaf
24" x 36"
Anyway, the opening of the OPA show was last month at the Devin Galleries in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. I am happy I decided to fly up there - it was such fun to be around all these amazing painters. It was standing room only in the gallery - what a great experience!